Best Review Management Software of 2023

Best Review Management Software for 2023

Learn about the best review management software and practices to protect your brand reputation in our comprehensive 2023 software guide.

Think about the last time you read online reviews. If you’re like most consumers, online reviews have become the first step in identifying businesses in your area.

People read online reviews to the tune of millions of times per day. In today’s digital environment, these reviews are an integral part of how your company and brand are perceived.

What if you could control your review profiles, helping you to achieve five-star reviews and top ratings on platforms like Google Reviews, and TrustPilot? You CAN: the solution is online review management software.

In our guide below, we’ll present some of the leading review management software solutions for business owners. Then, we’ll share tips for improving your review profiles. Get ready to take a deep dive into online review management!

Online Reviews: How Important Are They?

Service-based businesses are at the mercy of internet reviews. After all, people typically read reviews before making decisions on whether or not to use your business.

With 94% of people reading online reviews before deciding to patronize a business and as many as 91% of people trusting digital reviews as much or more than personal recommendations, your review profile is more important than ever.

Whether you have a single business or operate multiple locations, the reviews posted on the web can make or break your business. Great reviews help to spur more business, while bad reviews can spoil everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Let’s take a deeper look at the statistics behind positive and negative reviews:

Positive Reviews

  • 93% of all consumers polled in a study on the power of online reviews indicated that these reviews influenced purchasing decisions.
  • On average, customers spend about 31% more on a business with great reviews.
  • Trust is essential in the purchasing equation. Trusted businesses with great reviews tend to secure more sales; 92% of buyers are more likely to make purchases after reading glowing reviews left by satisfied customers.
  • Customer feedback in the form of online reviews helps businesses stand out in organic local searches, with nearly 7% more weighting in local search results. What they say in their feedback influences rankings as well, with positive and negative sentiment analyzed by Google’s search algorithm.

Negative Reviews

It’s no secret that bad reviews can damage your online reputation. How bad are these negative reviews on your bottom line?

  • Only 13% of consumers will consider doing business with a company that has 1- or 2-star ratings on Google reviews.
  • 94% of potential customers indicate that bad reviews have convinced them to avoid a business altogether.
  • One negative review can result in as much as 22% in lost customers. If three or more bad reviews appear in search results, the potential for lost customers jumps to nearly 60%.
  • Star ratings influence revenue streams; every decrease in rating results in 5-9% of lost revenue.

Can your business afford to miss out on new customers and losses in revenue? With the statistics above, it’s easy to see that if you manage reviews, you can erase the potential risks you face when you face negative customer feedback.

Customer feedback


What is Online Reputation Management Software?

Online reputation management (ORM) is the set of practices designed to help you build and protect your digital reputation by controlling the online narrative. ORM professionals leverage an assortment of cloud based marketing solutions and tools to position companies in their best possible light online.

Reputation management software makes the process easier, especially for managing multiple projects for business owners. In essence, software helps to take some of the “heavy lifting” out of the equation by automating certain processes like social media monitoring, review monitoring, and customer engagement.

Companies that provide reputation management service to clients may use a reputation management platform to achieve the desired results for their clients. These platforms include:

  • Google Alerts
  • Trackur
  • BrandsEye
  • Broadly
  • NiceJob
  • Podium
  • Swell

When combined with software solutions and proven strategies to build, protect, and repair digital reputations, reputation management professionals have become an essential force for businesses of every type and size. With ORM services, you can stand out in search results, improve your brand visibility, and connect with the customers that help your business grow.

Review Management Software for 2023

Software for review management puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to manage review profiles like never before.

Depending on the review management platform — which includes cloud-based review solutions and downloadable software suites — business owners have a wide assortment of tools to use. These typically include:

  • Review monitoring options
  • Creation of review requests for point-of-sale and email marketing channels
  • Social media monitoring and engagement
  • A comparison tool to evaluate consumer sentiment
  • Review response management features

For the average business owner, the choices of software solutions can be overwhelming. To make it easier to select the right option for you, here’s a look at some of the leading review management tools on the market in 2023:


Billed as an all-in-one software to grow local businesses, Birdeye is powerful customer review management software designed for collecting reviews, converting leads, and generating new reviews.

Review widgets in Birdeye let you analyze reviews on all platforms, including Google reviews, industry-specific review sites, and third-party review sites like Better Business Bureau, TrustPilot, and TripAdvisor. Users can scrutinize customer interactions and customer feedback to reveal insights into how a company’s reputation can be protected. As a tool to monitor reviews, Birdeye is used by over 80,000 local businesses.


Promising to help elevate customer experiences, provide insights into consumer preferences, and integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) and other reputation management tools you already use, ReviewTrackers is a powerful solution for taking control of your digital reputation.

More than a review monitoring tool, ReviewTrackers also provides tools to optimize your digital presence for local SEO. Improve customer engagement, get more star ratings, and encourage customers to leave more positive reviews — all with the help of this popular reputation management software.


Whether you are an individual or a business owner, your brand helps define who you are and what you stand for in the digital environment. Brand management is an essential component of digital marketing strategies, and Brand24 offers solutions.

Brand24 is a listening tool that scours the web for brand mentions on social media platforms, blogs, websites, podcasts, reviews, and video-sharing outlets. As a multi-channel management solution, it provides actionable insights into follower preferences and customer sentiment analysis. Ultimately, the software is designed to improve customer satisfaction. Brand24 has several tiers of service, making the reputation management software cost attainable for both large corporations and small businesses.


Covering over 600 review sites, ReviewInc offers business owners a wide range of tools with which to manage their review profiles, engage in review response management, and survey customers. Review generation and customer feedback collection are critical aspects of review management software; here, ReviewInc has created an easy-to-use dashboard to make management efficient and simple on every review platform your company is profiled on.

Use ReviewInc to send review invitations, collect reviews, showcase reviews, and foster customer relationships, making it a leading choice for business owners needing online review management software.


More than simple review management software, Chatmeter is a powerful reputation management software solution that provides business owners with a host of tools. Chatmeter’s primary purpose is to collect and analyze data; gaining insights with customer sentiment analysis, customer feedback analysis, and social media monitoring allows companies to improve their service delivery.

In addition to managing customer reviews, Chatmeter helps owners create and manage business listings, even for multi-location businesses. With social media management included in the package, it’s easy to see why Chatmeter has become some of the best reputation management software on the market.

Great reviews and 5-star ratings

More Tips for Managing Reviews

Customer review management software offers powerful solutions to business owners. These tools make the process of managing reviews easier than ever before. Whether you use a cloud-based tool, standalone software, or a customer experience platform, online reviews can be managed efficiently. If you have the budget (refer to the costs of ORM here), you can also consider engaging ORM services from a professional company or hire a brand reputation manager.


Even without the software, businesses can build trust with their customers by carefully implementing review management into everyday practices. Here are some tips for getting the most from your review profiles:

  • Make review collection/review generation a point-of-sale option, allowing customers to leave reviews or feedback when purchases are made. Digital point-of-sale platforms incorporate reviewing tools for this purpose; review requests are right there on the checkout screen.
  • Use direct mail campaigns and engagement tools on multiple channels like social media, your company website, and industry newsletters to enhance your digital reputation. Working together, these channels put you in front of the people who can grow your business: new customers.
  • Negative feedback may hurt, but smart business owners know that they can’t take it personally. Respond to every review, even the negative ones — and view this negative feedback as an essential learning tool to help your business improve its operation. Monitoring reviews lets you spot problems before they can damage your online reputation.
  • Don’t forget about search engine optimization (SEO). As a strategy to improve online visibility in search results, SEO pays big dividends when incorporated into your digital presence. By optimizing your web content for top rankings on Google or other search platforms, you can stand out from the competition.
  • Business listings are an essential aspect of your digital footprint. If you haven’t claimed your Google Business Profile yet, you may be missing out on great opportunities to attract new clients. Listings in business directories and on Google provide incredible visibility online, even on Google Maps. Best of all, you can get more reviews and display the best reviews on your business listings, helping to build trust between you and your customers.


Contact OnlineReputation Today for Review Management Solutions

Online review management can be a challenging task for business owners. Online reputation management software and strategies are important for all businesses, regardless of size or industry. With Online Reputation at your side, you can get the most from review platforms like Google Reviews, TrustPilot, the Better Business Bureau, and many more — helping you to drive expansion and revenue growth.

Contact the review management experts at Online Reputation today by dialing 844-230-3803 to learn more about the best reputation management software and solutions for your business needs.

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