Online Reputation and Buzz Monitoring Buyer’s Guide has just published their Online Reputation and Buzz Monitoring Buyer’s Guide 2008. The 142 page guide has been written for those who are looking for technology and services relating to online reputation monitoring, with profiles of 16 leading suppliers. The report costs $299, or can be accessed with a one-year subscription to’s reports for $389 a year. A 17 page sample of the Online Reputation and Buzz Monitoring Buyer’s Guide 2008 can be downloaded for free, which includes a full table of contents, and gives a very good idea of what is in the full report. Although I have only looked at the sample of the report, $299 seems like a real bargain for a 142 page research paper, especially for anyone specifically looking to buy services or technology in the growing online reputation monitoring and management field.

You might also like has just published their Online Reputation and Buzz Monitoring Buyer’s Guide 2008. The 142 page guide has been written …
